There are many opinions about the benefits of juice cleanses. Some think that a 3-day juice cleanse will do the trick, others believe you should at least go 108 days, and there is also a group of people who think juice fasting is a bad idea altogether.

Over the years, I have done quite a few juice feasts of various lengths and I am a huge advocate of implementing fresh cold-pressed juices in your day-to-day. But, as said, some people are opposed to the idea of a juice fast, or as I like to call it; a juice feast. And you know what? I get it. Let’s talk about this fun and controversial topic.

Honor your body

One thing that I have observed over the years is that there are way too many people who start a juice cleanse without proper support and know-how. Unfortunately, the same is the case with diet changes. Beautiful healing modalities such as juice cleanses get a bad rep. The same goes for a raw fruit and plant food diet and a plant-based lifestyle or whatever lifestyle change you embark on. Proper preparation is key.

I wish we were just as careful with the way we treat our bodies as we treat our cars, cell phones, or other valuable devices. Not many people would mess around with their valuables out of fear to create a bigger mess. Most people will go to a specialist for advice or repair or take a course to learn more about it. However, when it comes to our bodies we can be fairly reckless in our approach.
Juice feasting can have a remarkable effect on the healing process of the body. But it is important that it is done properly.

A healthy approach

Preparation is key before starting a juice feast. Part of proper preparation is learning about the working of the body, and consulting a nutritionist/detoxification specialist with experience in juice feasting who can guide you during your first juice feast. It is also about getting used to the idea that you will not consume solid food for a period of time.

When I plan a juice feast, even though I have done plenty of them over the years, I start prepping about 4-6 weeks ahead of time. I tell my body that I am about to start a juice feast, I decide what juices I want to make, and I’ll start to empty out my fridge and kitchen so that I have only things on hand I want and need during my juice feast. For example, I don’t like to juice tomatoes, so I’ll make sure I enjoy them before my juice feast starts. I am huge on water-ripe fruit and leafy greens in my day-to-day and not so much into veggies. But if I happen to have veggies that I don’t enjoy juicing, such as cauliflower I’ll eat it before I start. Not only does it help me to create plenty of space in my fridge and kitchen to store fruit and leafy greens but it also helps me to feel less tempted to eat. Especially the first few days are challenging for most people. Creating an environment that sets you up for success is very helpful.

You need to realize that during a juice feast also stored emotional wounds can come to the surface. Healing happens holistically. This is also one of the reasons why it is important to have someone who can guide you and understand what can happen during this wonderful process of regeneration. It is not something to fear but to embrace with joy instead. Freedom in body, soul, and spirit is such a blessing. God has created you to be free and to be fully alive in and through Him.

Fuel your cells

Another thing I see happening over and over again is the fact that most people don’t consume enough juice in a day. They start to feel lethargic and call it a sign of detoxification. Although feeling lethargic can be part of a detoxification process, in a lot of cases this feeling is simply a cry from your body to fuel yourself with enough nutrients and energy. Drinking enough juice is essential.

Although feeling lethargic can be part of detoxification, in a lot of cases this feeling is simply a cry from your body to fuel yourself with enough nutrients and energy.

It’s important to realize that a 32 oz/1 l jar of celery juice has a different effect on your body than a leafy green juice packed with cucumber, apple, greens, lime, ginger, and turmeric, for example. Not just because it has more ingredients and thus more nutrients, but also because it provides more energy to the body. So, it is not only important to drink plenty of juice, but also to be aware to enjoy plenty of juices that energize and fuel your body.

Stock up on produce

Plan what juices you want to make in advance and get all the groceries ahead of time. Especially when you are not accustomed to daily juicing and need to use recipes in order to make juices. I usually get ingredients for 3 days of juicing in one go. On the second day, I load up on groceries again for the following 3 days, and so on. In that way, I am always on top of my game.

Prepare all your juices for that day in the early morning. Also, fill your bottles to the brim to prevent the loss of nutrients through oxidation. Prepping all your juices in advance sets you up for success. You never know how your day is about to go and if you need to leave unexpectedly you can bring your juices along. It also saves time and money as you only need to clean up once a day.

Juicy essentials

Now, you might wonder what juicer is best to use when you want to set yourself up for a successful juice feast. It’s such a joy that the world of juicers has been evolving ever since it was founded by Dr. Norman W. Walker. Personally, I’d recommend getting your hands on a slow juicer if you are serious about your health. A slow juicer has many benefits over a centrifugal juicer, such as more juice, more nutrients, and less oxidation, to name a few.

I adore the Hurom H320N. I love it for all sorts of reasons: it is very easy to use and clean, it creates the best quality juice I could wish for, and it still tastes great at the end of the day. And, if you have an eye for design, then you’ll probably love this amazing slow juicer just as much as I do. I have the dark green one and it almost feels like it’s too beautiful to use. I had the same feeling when I got my food processor a few years ago haha. If you also want to get your hands on this beauty then simply enter promo code rawfoodfeast upon checkout for some juicy discount + a FREE gift!

Over 20 years ago I started juicing and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I never skip a day making and enjoying fresh pressed juice. Not even when I travel. There is simply no better way to fuel your cells with essential nutrients than juices do.
If you’re ready to start with daily juicing too then I highly recommend getting a quality juicer and enjoying at least a 32 oz/1 l of freshly pressed leafy green juice a day.

The start and the end are equally important

The last tip I want to share with you is to make sure that you break your juice feast filled with consideration for your body. Don’t just start eating like nobody’s business. You need to fully understand that your body, especially your digestive system, needs tender love and care with the way you add solid foods to your day-to-day again. When a juice feast isn’t broken properly you can do more damage than good. It can create digestive issues, for example. And this is one of the reasons why some people are opposed to juice cleanses. But, really, if a juice feast is done properly it is such a blessing for your overall health. It can reset your body, soul, and spirit. Always start with water-rich ripe fruit and chew slowly. Build up slowly over time, day-by-day, step-by-step.

Even though I have shared a lot of tips on how to approach a juice feast successfully, my most important tip is to treat your body with the utmost respect and care. Not just when juice feasting but always. Your body is your temple and when treated respectfully it makes your life so much easier, healthier, and happier.

Love and vibrant health to you,


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  1. Thank you so much Mirjam for all you share about whole health! I discovered you through the Raw Food Bundle 2023 book! Although I’ve been raw vegan mostly, for 4 years there’s ALWAYS something to learn and improve on for health. Again, thank you. -Lin:-
    PS I am already signed up for email!

    1. Ahw Lin, thank you so much for your kind words. That means a lot to me. I’m so glad that you enjoy the content. You are so right, we keep learning and improving. That’s one of the beautiful things in life. Wishing you all the best on your journey. Love, light, and life, Mirjam

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